Случайный анекдот

I want some onion Excuse me, mam, but there is no onion here now

Анекдоты Разные
— I want some onion.
— Excuse me, mam, but there is no onion here now.
— But I need onion!
— Excuse me, mam, again. I"m really sorry, but...
— You say — no onion?
— Yes!
— Hm… It was here two days ago!
— Very sorry! No onion now...
— But...
— OK, mam! Please, would you answer on this question: how many “t”
letter in word “potato”?
— Two!
— Yes! Good! And once more: how many “t” letter in “tomato”?
— Two!
— Exactly! You right! And how many word “fuck” in “onion”?
— Hm… No fuck in onion!
— Yes! That is what I am trying to explain you: “NO FUCKING ONION HERE!!!”
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